Margareta Paslaru si ansamblul Doina Bucurestiului au sustinut 25 de spectacole la Queen Elizabeth Hall din Londra.
Artista a interpretat S-ar gati badea de nunta, Cantec din
Oas, Nu-i bai, Ma dusei sa trec la Olt, Aseara vantul batea, Tarina de la Gaina.
MORNING STAR, London, 18.07.1974: "Margareta Paslaru, star of stage, screen and TV, dressed in a peasant scarf and apron, sings two groups of folk songs in a voluptuous Dietrich-like voice."
EVENING NEWS - London, 1974: "And let me not forget Margareta Paslaru, a little Romanian, who sings deep down in her boots, like Juliette Greco. She is a joy."
SOUTH LONDON ADVERTISER: "Romanian Dance Company at Queen Elizabeth Hall": "…The only named soloist is Margareta Paslaru, who combines an exceptionally deep contralto voice with a coquettish appearance and manner." (John Percival )